Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Day in the Life...

Today, I am recovering from a cold/flu-like bug that hit me hard two days ago.  You would think that would mean things would be pretty calm around here...yeah right, with three kids five and under, think again.  Things you could have heard at Halls' Homestead today if you were a fly on the wall:

  1. Kids Fighting over Millipedes  No, seriously. Our house is having a mini invasion of millipedes at the moment.  I've been quietly disposing of the little guys, but, our precious three year old found one during her nap time last week (when she should have been sleeping, right?) and declared "He's SO CUTE!!"  The kids played with that first millipede for an hour and a half before he was released into the wild.  Today found the two oldest with empty containers fighting over who gets the newest millipedes.  You know it's going to be an exciting day when there is a screaming and shoving match over household pests.
  2. Lunch Does Not Need 'More Cowbell'  Ahh, the Saturday Night Live sketch with Christopher Walken proclaiming a need for "More Cowbell."  Well, today, our three year old thought lunch was an appropriate time to leave the table, find a cowbell, and clang it loudly, which prompted me to say "Lunch does not need more cowbell.  Please put the cowbell away and return to the table."
  3. Me Asking Our Five Year Old If He Peed on the Dog's Face  Wait! Before you call PETA, know that no dog was hurt in this event.  While on the porch, I heard my son ask my husband if he could go outside.  Next thing I know, Max (a curious black-lab puppy mix) is on our porch with an odd wet pattern on his face wanting me to pet him.  Putting two and two together left me asking our son if he had peed on the dog's face, resulting in a sheepish "It was an accident mom."  Of course, a few moments later, I found myself distractedly petting Max while watching the one year old equaling an "Eww! Gross!" moment. (Note: Upon reading this entry, my hubby clarified the situation - Our son was helping my husband feed the chickens in the chicken pen when he asked if he could pee and show his dad how he could "shoot" through the chain link enclosure.  Poor Max just wandered into the line of fire.  All of this makes me wonder how our son's aim is so good to go through chain link but not so much when it comes to the potty??  Boys.)
There were also the normal "don't eat the play-doh" and "put on your underwear" kind of moments too.  These will be the days we miss.  I hear it again and again.  I know in my heart is true, and most days, I am a pretty good sport about the craziness. My motto that helps? "Outwit. Outplay. Outlast."  Thanks, Survivor!  It's a great motto for a household full of preschoolers.

More Cowbell

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