Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thinking of Homeschooling? Tips on Where to Start

If you are thinking about homeschooling, the first thing I would suggest is that you check out


I love this book,and I recommend it to everyone who has ever asked me about homeschooling.  I picked up the older version at Half Price Books in Dallas, and it was well worth every cent.  Not only did it tell me about different types of homeschooling (the options are vast!), but it also allowed me to take quizzes to see how my husband and I saw homeschooling happening every day and how my children learn best.  I then took that knowledge to the chart at the back of the book, which breaks down the major homeschool publishers into a handy a chart.  Instead of spending years and lots of $$$ trying out various methods, this book helped us to be successful from the beginning.

I used the information gleaned from this book to pick Sonlight's curriculum for our family.  This is our third year homeschooling (PK4, Kindergarten, 1st), and we have used Sonlight all three years.  This curriculum is perfect for us, because I love to read.  Books? Sonlight's got 'em. There is nothing better than cuddling down with my little ones and a good book.  We also hit our library for audiobooks to listen to in the car (Charlotte's Web, Little House in the Big Woods, Shrek, Princess and the Pea have all been playing lately), and we like to watch video adaptations of our favorites - Yay again for the library and for DVR!  Sorry to go on and on about our curriculum, but Sonlight is a great fit for our family, and Cathy Duffy's advice can help you get started in the right direction.

Another great way to find out if homeschooling is for you is to get out and visit with some homeschool moms and dads.  I always thought homeschoolers were weirdos as a kid.  I thought they must be part of a cult.  Once we moved to Dallas, I met some real, actual (not urban legend) homeschoolers.  Guess what? They were normal, socialized, and polite!  (Gasp!) I visited with the moms at length about where to start and what worked for them.  The moms varied in numbers of children and approach.  Ask them why they decided to homeschool. Ask them why they keep doing it.  Ask them what's tough about it.  Tell them your fears.  You are not alone.  They have been there and done that and may still be fearing that - us moms, we all have our doubts, confident homeschoolers included!

Visit a homeschool book fair. If you have a homeschool book fair in your area, check it out.  Put your hands on the books. Talk with the reps. Observe the wide variety of homeschoolers.  See all of the tools and resources available if you make this choice.

Most importantly, as you take these steps, pray about it.  Don't choose something for your family that isn't God's will - no matter how "right" it looks or how many "other people" are doing it. Your schooling option doesn't make you "better" or "worse" than anyone else.

Best wishes on your schooling adventures wherever they may take you!!

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