Monday, August 11, 2014

Hall Monitor (Solar Powered Drive Way Monitor)

When we first moved to the middle of nowhere, we did not expect many visitors.  Imagine our surprise in the first few days and weeks when our doorbell was being worn out, mostly by our sweet UPS delivery person, who, in all fairness, we should have expected.

Since we have no window treatments and children run around in all states of dress, we thought it would be good if we could find a way to know when someone was heading down our driveway.  Locking the gates daily didn't seem reasonable, and we weren't ready to shell out serious cash for electronic gates.  Enter the solar powered driveway monitor:


It arrived within two days of ordering, and we were able to install it immediately and effortlessly.  Is it a perfect solution?  No, but for the price and the functionality, we are sold.  19 times out of 20, we know when someone is arriving or leaving, which not only provides us a heads up but additional security.  If you live down a long driveway and would like to know when someone is heading your way, definitely consider this product.
This is what ours looks like installed.  Notice the ever so clever weed camouflage. 


  1. Do you have it at the end of the driveway? How far from the sensor to the alert in the house?

    1. Roughly, 196' from the sensor to the alert in the house, and 126' from the road to the sensor. We have sensor placed about 2-3' from the driveway.
